Ad Title: Ticket click for enlarged photo
Sizes: 7" x 10" download ad 4.62" x 4.87" download ad 4.62" x 7" download ad
For 4/Color materials, please call (202-544-9219) or Email us.
Headline: (Museum Ticket)"When there were forests, God Forbid"
Body Copy: Someday you may be limited to seeing ancient forests only from 10 to 4 daily. Because the U.S. Forest Service and timber corporations are voraciously clearcutting our National Forests. Join our fight. And make sure we can always see trees as Mother Nature intended. |
Ad Title: Crayon click for enlarged photo
Sizes: 4.62" x 4.87" and 7"x 5" Only available in 4 color. For materials, please call (202-544-9219) or Email us.
Visual: Green crayons being cut down. |
Ad Title: Stump click for enlarged photo
Sizes: 7" x 10" download ad 4.25" x 5.25" download ad 4.62" x 7" download ad 2.12" x 10" download ad
Headline: In Washington State, men who clear cut forests are called Timber Barons. In Washington, D.C. they're called Politicians."
Body Copy: Ancient Forests have survived world wars, the gold rush and the industrial revolution. Yet now some members of the United States Congress are their most deadly threat. These trusted officials are opposed to The Act To Save Americas Forests. A bill that would prevent the U.S. Forest Service and timber corporations from destroying the last 5% of Americas original ancient forests. Dont just get outraged at what these Politicians are doing, stop them. With you |
Ad Title: Senior Citizens click for enlarged photo
Sizes: 7" x 10" download ad 4.62" x 7" download ad 2.12" x 10" download ad 4.25" x 5.25" download ad
Headline: Thousands of our beloved senior citizens are being slaughtered every month."
Body Copy: Ancient Forests have survived world wars, the gold rush and the industrial revolution. Yet now some members of the United States Congress are their most deadly threat. These trusted officials are opposed to The Act To Save Americas Forests. A bill that would prevent the U.S. Forest Service and timber corporations from destroying the last 5% of Americas original ancient forests. Dont just get outraged at what these Politicians are doing, stop them. With your calls and support. |