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YASUNÍ Slide Show — SLIDE 17



As this satellite image clearly reveals, Oxy has built a major access road from the Napo River into the official buffer zone of Yasuní National Park. The road is white with small dots which are the drilling platforms. This area is known as the Eden Yuturi oil field. The southernmost platform is less than 5 km from the Park boundary formed by the winding Tiputini River.

In the company’s 2003 Health, Environment, and Safety report Occidental writes that in order to protect biodiversity and indigenous lands, “A key decision made by the team was that the development of the oil field wound not include construction of a road. Air transport, via helicopters, and waterborne transportation would be used for personnel and materials.”

This statement leaves the impression that Occidental is using cutting edge “off-shore” technology, when in fact the company has constructed a 30 km road that is linked to a major transportation corridor, the Napo river.

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