This slideshow, which has been presented to officials in both the Ecuadorian and Brazilian Embassies in Washington D.C., describes the current situation facing Yasuni National Park and World Biosphere Reserve.
The first 11 slides describe the extraordinary biodiversity of the Park, including diversity maps which show that Yasuni is the region of the most highly concentrated documented biodiversity in the world.
Slide 12-21 describes the current unprecedented threats facing the Park and this unparalleled biodiversity from oil development, using satellite photo and maps. Specifically, slides 16 and 17 describe the activities of the American oil company Occidental, and slides 18-21 describe the proposed plan of the Brazilian national oil company Petrobras, which represents the greatest threat now facing the Park.
Slide 22 presents our proposed solution. And slides 23-26 illustrate why our proposed solution is so critical to the long-term survival of Yasuni National Park.
This Slide Show consists of 26 slides, 1 slide per page. You can click from one slide to the next, with the commentary on the bottom of the page.