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YASUNÍ Slide Show — SLIDE 26


SLIDE 26 — Final Slide

And finally, the new red box that appeared on your screen is that of the Canadian oil company Encana. At this moment, Encana is engaged in massive seismic testing operations to find out how much oil is in this region. In the likely event that oil is found here as well, what is to stop Encana from building an access road into this section of the Park.

Thus, the third, and perhaps most important reason to stop the Petrobras Road, is that if it is not stopped it could trigger a new wave of roadbuilding. On the other hand, if the road is stopped it may set a roadless development precedent for the rest of the park.

As this final slide clearly shows, the future of the entire northern section of Yasuni National Park, the most biodiverse forest in the world, is at stake.

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